Lloyd's Donaldson Point River Watch


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Levels & Forecasts For 2024-05-15:

RIVER GAGE STAGE DATE FS STAGE CHG 05-16 05-17 05-18 05-19 05-20 CREST DATE
No Data For Selected Date

Historic Flood Data (click on year below to see detail):

2011 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 2011-05-15 53.10 10.8 feet. Only about 1 foot of the roof left out of the water.
2008 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 2008-04-16 45.36 Gauge was moved. No cabin comment at this time.
1997 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1997-03-27 42.80 No cabin comment at this time.
1995 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1995-06-08 42.30 Water barely touched the bottom of the den floor.
1983 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1983-05-26 43.60 Levels of about 6 in. in the back bedroom.
1979 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1979-04-27 42.90 Levels reached about 1 foot in the cabin.
1975 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1975-04-10 42.80 Levels of about 1.9 feet in the cabin - just reaching the back bedrooms.
1973 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1973-05-11 47.60 The first flood in Donaldson Point history, four feet in J.P. Stewart's cabin.
1937 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1937-02-14 53.90 The second largest recorded flood on the Mississippi river.
1927 Mississippi Arkansas City, AR 1927-04-21 60.40 The largest recorded flood on the Mississippi river.